We thought it would be a good idea for you to get more acquainted with us. To start with, since my early youth, I have been enchanted by the outdoors specifically with the hunting, fishing and shooting sports. It has been a lifelong passion of mine to hunt the many diversified regions in North America. The vast, remote, uncivilized and unsurpassed beauty of wilderness areas will always fascinate me.
My quest for big game has now taken me all over North America. I thoroughly enjoy hunting and fishing and some of my favorite memories are going after the elusive brown bear, pursuing bighorn sheep, elk and the list goes on. My wife and I also travel together and big game sport fish in unique places like Hawaii and Bermuda.
My wife, Donna plays an integral part in our business and works diligently behind the scenes to ensure our continued success. She is a fabulous wife and is the mother of our three young boys. My family and I thoroughly enjoy living in the Rockies in the northwestern portion of Montana and we are proud to call it our home.
With thousands of outfitters to choose from it can become very difficult and confusing for a hunter to select the best outfitter that can fit his needs. We are the hunting consultants that you can rely on for personalized service. You can be comfortable knowing we truly can offer you the best hunting programs for your monies. Our service is to you, our client and Cabin Creek Wilderness Journeys has evolved directly as a result of all our cumulative travel related experiences. We cater to the needs of outdoor enthusiasts specifically in the big game hunting arena. Like all of you, I anxiously await the opening of the different big game hunting seasons each year. We encourage you to give us a call so that we can help arrange your next hunting adventure.