(Alces alces gigas)
This is the largest moose of all the different North America moose species. Mature older bulls can weigh in exceed of 1400 lbs. and will stand 6 ½' to 7 ½' at the top of the hump and can sometimes have antler spreads that exceed
70 inches. Their current distribution is in Alaska, the Yukon and in the Mackenzie Mountains in the far west of the Northwest Territories. Sportsmen from around the world have hunted this highly respected animal specie in hopes of collecting a giant with antlers that are widespread. There are many operators whom conduct hunts for this specie however we have decided to work with only the very best. The price for an Alaska-Yukon moose hunt will vary and prices start at about $5,500US for a 7-day hunt to around $9,500US to $13,000US for a 10-day hunt. We have an outfitter in southeastern coastal Alaska whom each fall has access to a couple of permits to hunt for this moose. This particular hunt would make a good one for sportsmen whom would like to take a good representative bull moose (50'' to 55'') from the state of Alaska at a very reasonable cost. He occasionally takes 60" or better bulls in his area, however, this is normally not the case as huge bulls do not typically inhabit his area. We also represent another outfitter whose hunting client recently shot a 72 ¾" trophy bull moose and two other bull moose were also harvested whose antler spreads were 69 ¼" and 67 ½". His moose only price varies from $8,400US to $9,400US and the hunt is well worth the monies. His remote hunting areas, in the interior region of Alaska plain and simply grow big moose. We also represent outfitters in the Yukon Territories in western Canada whom guide clients each fall to record book class bull moose. The price varies here as well and one of our premier operators charges $8,200US for a moose only hunt and his clients have recently taken a 67" moose that scored 227 B & C and he saw one much larger, and a 58" and 59" moose were collected and a moose of record book proportions (206 B & C) was also taken. We have mentioned a few of our very best outfitters. But, we have not even hit the "tip of the iceberg" in regards to discussing other superb outfitters that each year guide clients to big Alaska-Yukon moose. So, please inquire. |
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 (Alces alces americana) This specie of moose is very popular with clients because of its modest over-all price. This moose enjoys being in more heavily timbered terrain than with some of the other species of North America moose. Its current distribution is in eastern Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland, Canada and the Maritime Provinces. It also inhabits Maine
and a few other northeastern states. We will be mentioning outfitters whom guide moose hunters on the Island of Newfoundland in eastern Canada. Currently, the total population of moose on Newfoundland is astounding, over 120,000 to 150,000 moose reside on this island and approximately 30,000 are harvested each fall. Our operators normally conduct 6-day 1x1 or 2x1 hunts for this moose and prices range from $2,600US to $3,500US for the moose only hunts. Success rates are extremely high (90%) or better with our outfitters. Combination hunts for Eastern Canada moose and Woodland caribou are very popular with clients and prices average around $4,500US for both species. These hunts are enjoyable and would make an excellent choice for a father and son/daughter team. |
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 (Alces alces shirasi) This moose inhabits the southeastern regions of British Columbia and southwestern Alberta and also makes its home in the western states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. Clients can hunt this specie in Washington, Montana, Wyoming and Utah if they are fortunate enough to draw a permit.
We will be mentioning Shiras moose hunts that are located in British Columbia. We have a couple of the best operators in southeastern BC and one of these outfitters in particular now has access to a couple of Shiras moose permits each fall for his hunters. His area has recently opened to moose hunting and it has real trophy quality potential because moose hunting in his area was previously not permitted. This hunt is a 10-day program and is guided 1x1 and the cost is $5,500US and his 2x1 hunt is priced at $5,000US and the dates go from October 25 to November 3. Another one of our premier operators has been in the outfitting business for decades and his price was $4,800US (in 2000) for a fully guided 1x1 hunt and it is an 8-day program. His moose hunts usually start about October 25 and go to November 1 each season. We also represent other fabulous outfitters that guide for this animal. Please call us, as we would be happy to discuss any of them with you. |
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 (Alces alces andersoni) This specie of North America moose is the second largest after the Alaska-Yukon moose in both size and weight. Their size and sheer weight is impressive to say the least. It primarily inhabits certain areas in the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and some even reside in limited numbers in certain areas
in the USA. We will be discussing outfitters who conduct their Western Canada moose hunts in British Columbia. We can honestly say the outfitters we have carefully hand selected have over the years guided clients to record book trophies. One quick glance at the record books will emphasize our point. The success rates with our outfitters are among the highest percentage wise in the moose hunting industry and go from 80% to 95% or better. One of our operators offers a 6-day hunt with an 8-day itinerary and the price of his 1x1 hunt is $6,400US. The average size moose taken on this hunt is 56" and he can accommodate a couple of clients each fall. A moose in the high 60" class is not out of the realm of possibility and B & C record book trophies frequent his area and some of these giants have also be harvested. The price of his trophy moose hunt is $7,900US. However, we will need to confirm with you that an opening exists. Another one of our outfitters concession is located in the remote reaches of northern BC and in recent years clients have taken moose that hit the 71 ½" and 65 3/8" mark. A 212 B & C moose was also harvested. A 10-day 2x1 moose hunt is priced at $5,000US and you can upgrade this hunt to a 1x1 for an additional $1,500US. We also have other outfitters our clients can hunt with that can offer our clients an opportunity to harvest a trophy quality moose.
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