(Cervus elaphus nelsoni) Each year we receive many inquires in regards to this specie. Many well-known hunting authors have written about this specie of elk. The numbers of outfitters whom guide clients for bull elk is endless. We have
gone though painstaking efforts to narrow this margin down to the very best operators with the highest success rates on trophy class bulls. Our outfitters offer hunts on either huge private hunting ranches or on public lands (National Forest). The average bull elk harvested on one of these hunts is usually in the 280 to 320 B & C class and success rates are extremely high on bulls of this caliber. In recent years, one of our premier outfitter's clients have taken bull elk that have scored: 356, 349, 338, 327, 296 and 282. These bull elk have averaged 326 (B & C) and six bulls were harvested out of eight hunting clients. They experienced a 100% shot opportunity on these rifle hunts. There were two bulls that the outfitter field judged at 360 plus B & C, however, the clients were not able to connect on either of the bulls. The price on this hunt ranges from $6,000US to $8,000US and harvest fees range from $1,000US to $4,000US. This fee will depend on what the total gross score of the antler mass is by using the B & C method of scoring. We can arrange hunts in New Mexico, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and British Columbia. If you are fortunate enough to draw an Arizona bull elk tag in a certain unit we can help you select the proper outfitter to fit your needs. Prices on these elk hunts vary greatly and they start at around $2,500US and can exceed $20,000US. We can also arrange a game ranch hunt for any of our clients whom would like an opportunity to harvest a magnificent bull elk and this style of elk hunting is normally 100% guaranteed. The price on a game ranch hunt will vary depending on the size of the bull elk you harvest and our outfitters will use either the B & C or SCI scoring method to gross score the elk antlers. These hunts are normally fairly short in duration and usually last only 2 to 3 days. We can also arrange a premier first class lodge hunt and these lodge hunts will take place on either private lands (property owned or leased) or on public lands (National Forest). Success rates on the lodge hunts is extremely high and some huge trophy class bulls are harvested by a few hunters each season. We also have outfitters whom specialize in guiding archery hunters to big bulls. They also have access to many different ranches and they can also accommodate muzzleloader, rifle and, if the law permits it, handgun hunters too (Canada does not permit handguns). |
 (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) This specie is fairly unique, as it only inhabits the dense rain forests and mountain forests of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia and certain coastal regions in Washington, Oregon and areas in northwestern California. Mature Roosevelt bulls antlers can become more massive than its Rocky Mountain
elk counterpart, however, the antler length is normally shorter and not as widespread. We work with a select few British Columbia outfitters whom guide clients to large bulls and their hunts are conducted on Vancouver Island. Their success rate can reach 90% or better and is amongst the highest percentage for any outfitter that guides clients for this specie. The price for a 10-day fully guided 1x1 hunt is $15,000US and hunting is done from October 10 to 20. Please be aware that tags are extremely limited and this outfitter receives only a handful each season. We also have a few other outfitters we work with directly that will do everything legally possible to ensure clients are successful. Please call us so we can discuss their areas, prices, rates and openings with you. |
 (Cervus elaphus nannodes) This specie is extremely limited in its range and currently only inhabits California. In 1988, the total number of Tule elk exceeded 2,000 and permits became available to California residents through a limited draw system. In recent years, hunts have become available to clients due in large part though access to private
herd populations. Our clients have access to a newly built first class private lodge and ranch hunting facility in California. Many different species of wildlife make their home on the ranch and there is a large resident herd of Tule elk and black-tailed deer that inhabit the high mountains, deep canyons and open meadow parks too. Bull elk in the 300-class have been harvested at the ranch and 4 to 6 trophy bulls are taken each season. The price of this outstanding private ranch hunt is $12,000US for a Tule bull elk hunt and for a cow elk hunt the price is $2,000US. This outfitter receives an extremely small number of permits to hunt for bull elk and cow elk at the ranch facility and therefore his openings fill very quickly. |