(Ovis dalli dalli)
This sheep specie is the least expensive in North America to hunt and it inhabits the vast remote mountain areas in Alaska, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Its pure white coat is beautiful and it will challenge the abilities of the
most seasoned of sheep hunters. There are many outfitters currently conducting hunts for this animal and we have decided to represent the finest outfitters in the business. It is our goal to give our clients the very best hunting trip for their monies and we constantly monitor our outfitters and others to see which ones are taking the best quality rams each year. In Alaska, we represent some of the very best Dall sheep operators and their areas continue to hold healthy populations of exceptional rams some of which are harvested by clients each fall. Our first outfitter will put you in on the Tok Management Area (TMA) draw and if you are fortunate enough to receive a tag he will hunt you in the TMA where mature full curl rams have averaged 39". If you are unsuccessful he will hunt you in an area where rams have been averaging 36" and his success rates are extremely high. It is a 7-day program and the cost is $8,000US and the season goes from August 10 to September 20. Another one of our outfitters hunts the Brooks Range in northern Alaska and mature rams will average between 35" to 43" and success on rams has been nearly 100% since 1976. The price of this hunt is $8,850US and it is 9-days including travel days. We also represent a select few of the best outfitters in the Yukon Territories. One in particular operates in the southwest corner of the Yukon and his hunt is a 10-day program and is guided 1x1 and it is priced at $11,500US. Another outfitter hunts in the northern region of the Yukon and his hunt is 12-days including travel days and his Dall sheep hunt costs $10,700US and there is no additional harvest fee on sheep. To the east a bit is the Northwest Territories and the sheep harvested in this area (in the Mackenzie Mountains) have averaged 10.5 years old and have an average horn length of 37.5". Their success rates run 90% or better and they conduct 10-day and a select few 15-day sheep hunting programs. We have many other premier Dall sheep programs available to our clients so please call us if you are interested in hunting this specie. |
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 (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) This sheep specie in normally the last one a hunter will harvest in order to complete their North America slam on sheep. The odds on drawing a tag for this specie is extremely difficult as so few tags are available to hunters each year. Their current population totals 25,000 in which 19,000 reside in the USA and Arizona supports 6,500, Nevada
5,500, California 3,500, Utah 2,500, Colorado 500, Texas 300 and New Mexico has 200. The remaining sheep populations are located in Baja California 3,500 and in Sonora, Mexico 2,500. The permits are available on a limited basis via a draw system in Arizona, Nevada and in a few other states, however non-residents receive very few of these coveted tags. Therefore, the best opportunity a client has is to hunt south of the border in Old Mexico. We represent the finest outfitters in the sheep hunting business and they have excellent reputations. Their clients often take B & C record book quality Desert Bighorn sheep. For the mountain sheep hunter whom wants the very best hunt monies can buy we have an outfitter whom hunts in the state of Sonora, Mexico. In recent years, his clients have consistently taken record book sheep (168 B & C) or better. His clients over the years have taken rams that have scored in the low 160's to high 180's B & C. He will also hunt a client until they take their trophy ram. The price of this hunt is $60,000USD from 2002 thru 2004 and tags are extremely limited. His success rate on Desert sheep in 2001 was again 100% as he hosted ten clients and all ten of them harvested their sheep. The largest ram taken by one of his clients in 2001 scored 176 5/8 SCI and the smallest ram taken by one of his clients in 2001 scored 160 SCI and it was shot by a bowhunter. However, this outfitter's clients over the years have taken five Desert bighorns that have scored near 190 SCI! |
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 (Ovis canadensis canadensis)
This specie inhabits certain western areas of Alberta and British Columbia (in the Rocky Mountains) in Canada. It also is found in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. In some states limited draw tags are available in very small numbers and many of today's populations were done through transplanting sheep from other areas. The current
nationwide population of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep totals 25,000 to 30,000 animals. We represent several outfitters whom conduct hunts for this specie. The first one we'll mention hunts in Rocky Mountains in western Alberta and his hunt program is 12-days and is guided 1x1 and the price of his hunt last season was $12,500US. His success rate ranges from 50% to 75% or better and the rams in his area will normally score in the 160's. We have another outfitter whom also guides clients in Alberta and his hunt is a 16-day program and is guided 1x1 and the price in 2000 was $10,500US. His clients have taken 35", 36" and a 37" ram on recent hunts. We have an outfitter in British Columbia whom guides for this specie however tags are very limited. His hunts are a 10-day program guided 1x1 and hunts take place in late September. The cost of this hunt was $14,000US in 2000. We also represent another outfitter in British Columbia whom offers an early season sheep hunt (the full season goes from September 10 to October 20) guided 1x1 and the 10-day program is priced at $14,000US. This same outfitter also offers a late season hunt in November and it is guided 1x1 and the cost is $16,000US. This specie inhabits rugged mountain areas and is a real challenge to hunt and clients must be in "sheep shape" in order to increase their chances of success. Please keep in mind that even with the best operators whom will hunt you in the best areas success on this sheep tends to be substantially lower than with the other North America sheep.
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 (Ovis dalli stonei)
This is truly a magnificent specie to hunt and it inhabits the mountain regions of British Columbia and the Yukon Territories in Canada. The stone sheep in the Yukon are normally lighter in color and are predominately white and display some darker grayish/black tones. The stone sheep in British Columbia usually are much darker in color. A sheep hunter named L. S. Chadwick harvested a ram back in 1936 and it still remains the number one B & C stone sheep of all time. This animal is impressive and is currently
on display for visitors to enjoy at the Buffalo Bill Museum located in Cody, Wyoming. We represent the best outfitters whom conduct premier hunts for this specie. The first operator hunts in northeastern British Columbia in the same general area were the Chadwick ram was harvested and his hunt is conducted with 1x1 guiding and it is a 14-day program priced at $21,000US. His success rate on mature trophy rams is one of the highest for this specie of any outfitters whom offer this sheep hunt. Another one of our outfitters family has owned and guided hunters for nearly 50 years now. They hunt different areas in the Cassiar Mountains of British Columbia. His sheep hunts are guided 1x1 and it is a 14-day program and it costs $14,500US. A little over a year ago this outfitter hunted 12 sheep hunters and only one did not harvest his ram. The rams have averaged 35" to 40" however a client from out west shot a 45" stone ram and this exemplifies his area still holds some exceptional rams. We also have an outfitter for stone sheep located in the Yukon Territories and he has been in business over 27 years now. He hunts an area in the Pelly Mountains and hunts take place in August and September and he charges $14,000US and his success rates run high on trophy quality rams.
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